Heating is an essential element of a productive work environment. However, few business owners consider the heating in their factory, warehouse or workplace.
Much of Australia is warm or hot for a lot of the year, but it can still get incredibly cold. Therefore, installing something like a wall heater or other heating equipment can be extremely beneficial. However, just like you wouldn’t want to be too warm at work in the summer, you should consider ensuring the temperature is comfortable in winter.
There are several benefits to installing a wall heater or similar equipment.
What are the benefits of a wall heater in the winter?
If you’re considering purchasing an electric heater or something similar for your business, it’s certainly worth looking into. Electric heaters are 100% efficient, making them a great option for businesses looking to keep the temperature comfortable in the most cost-effective way possible, but there are many more benefits to installing them.
From employee happiness to environmental safety, these benefits can show you just how proper heating equipment can improve your work environment.

Keeping everyone warm
With employers having to ensure staff are comfortable, its importance is worth emphasising.
Employees tend to be much happier and much more comfortable when they are working in a comfortable environment. Just think about how great it feels to walk in an air-conditioned building at the height of summer; your mood instantly changes.
The exact same thing happens in the cooler months but in reverse. Installing industrial heater fans for your workplace can be all you need to make everyone more comfortable.
Improving employee productivity
Keeping everyone warm has more perks than just making everyone happier at work, as it can also make them more productive.
Productivity can decrease in winter due to the impacts of cold weather, reducing mobility and increasing fatigue.
Installing just one heater in even the biggest facilities can drastically change the overall temperature throughout the day.
Businesses are often always looking for ways to improve productivity, and installing heater fans is an easy way to do so. Improve productivity in the colder months almost instantly by turning the heat up.
Fighting mould and moisture
Fighting environmental hazards is a considerable benefit of improving the heating system in your workplace.
These issues are more prevalent in the winter months, so keeping the cold at bay is essential to preventing damage to materials. Although other steps, like ensuring your workplace is properly ventilated, will help tackle these issues depending on your work environment.
Managing mould is crucial for any business, as your health and safety certification can depend on it.
Do wall heaters need to be ventilated?
An electric or fan heater should not be pushed up against a wall unless it’s a wall-mounted heater or put into tight spaces while in use.
Speaking to a Fanquip technical representative can help determine the ideal solution for your intended application. Fanquip manufacture, supply and install heating systems for businesses working with them to meet their needs and provide equipment that does the job it promises well.
Meet all your winter heating needs with Fanquip
If you want to make sure that your place of work is warm and comfortable for everyone working there during the winter months, Fanquip can help you do just that.
Our trained engineers will walk you through what we offer and how this may benefit your business based on what you say you want or need. We help companies to improve their places of work and use our industry knowledge to help them comply with regulations and requirements.
Browse what we have to offer and contact a member of the team today to get started.