Is your workplace struggling with cold temperatures & excess dampness in winter?
The two main issues faced in winter include cold temperatures and excess moisture. Fanquip have solutions to help mitigate winter condensation, cold conditions and the problems that come with excess moisture build-up. Keep reading to find out how you can optimise employee comfort, boost productivity and keep those winter blues away.
Problem 1: Cold environment
The cold affects workplace performance, and can lead to an increase in absenteeism, sickness, lower work efficiency and higher accident rates. The cold impairs both mental and physical performance, so for a safe and productive workplace temperature needs to be considered.
If your workers are feeling the cold, productivity has slowed, or you’re seeing a decrease in drying and curing times in your manufacturing process, it’s time to add heaters.
Our heaters are designed for confined spaces, and help regulate temperatures in workshops, warehouses and manufacturing facilities by up to 20 degrees Celsius. With a wall mount or portable trolley design available, our heaters are a robust, Australian made workplace approved solution to tackling winter condensation issues caused by the cold weather.

Problem 2: Condensation & steam
Condensation is caused by warm air colliding with cold surfaces, or when there’s excess humidity in the air. This becomes an prevalent issue in winter as the temperature inside and outside varies to a larger degree. There also tends to be more moisture in the air and a lack of sunshine to dry the excess moisture.
The high levels of humidity, condensation and steam seen in industries with high water use like food processing and abattoirs often mean that extraction is the only way to sufficiently remove the excess moisture from the air.
Fanquip has a range of solutions to extract air contaminants, odours, chemical fumes, dust moisture and more. Whether it’s a roof fan, wall fan, purging vent or portable solution, we can assist in developing a solution made for your unique space and concerns.

Problem 3: Still air
Keeping air moving helps prevent moisture build up in the same area, mitigating water damage, pooling and mould problems. Air circulators often work well in tangent with extraction products, as the circulating air pushes humid or contaminated air towards the extraction point, removing contaminated air and allowing fresh air to come in from windows or doors.
Our range of air circulators are available in both pedestal, ceiling mount and wall mount.
For larger warehouses and factories, giant fans can be installed to push warmer air down from the ceiling, also saving in heating costs.

Whatever your problem whether it’s excess winter condensation, temperature’s unsuitable for a productive working environment, or issues effecting your curing and drying times, Fanquip can help you with a ready made or custom solution.
Speak to us today for a quote to get your winter blues sorted.